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Between Darkness and Light Trilogy Page 3

  “Yes, of course, William. Come in.”

  “Gee Sis, why did it take you so long to answer?”

  “I… I guess I didn’t hear you. Say, aren't you supposed to stay in your rooms?”

  “Lucian said that if I were to venture out, your rooms were to be my only destination. So what were you doing, reading your entire library?”

  “Ah, no, I was just… thinking.”

  “I hear that. Isn’t this place fascinating? I always knew there had to be more to existence than what we had on Shiral. Now I finally understand. Man, it feels good to know I’m not crazy!”

  “Yes, I suppose you would have felt that way. Oh William, how could I have been so deaf to the anomalies that surrounded us? The only thing I felt was missing from our lives was Mathair. I never even stopped to wonder where she was taken. I just accepted that it was… away. I feel so…”

  William, oddly, smiles. “Blindsided? It’s a first for you, I’d wager. You’ve always had a knack for anticipating just about everything – it used to drive me nuts.” He smiles almost sheepishly. “Of course, I didn’t tell you that, but it really did get to me. It made me feel inept. But now… now I think things will be different. I’ve been glancing through some of the books in my own library, and so many things make sense to me now. What have you learned?”

  Learned? Oh… from the books. “I only managed to read the introduction to one.”

  “Wow, you really are in bad shape. Here.” He reaches out to take my hand, and my mind floods with the contents of the books he has read – he did far more than glance through them – I hadn’t realized just how fast a reader he had become! I also pick up on his understanding of all he has read – and it all fits in quite well with both what he seemed to think was lacking in life, and the implications of the introduction I had read. He was also provided far more technical explanations of the forces; these people are far, far more advanced than our Technologists. My little brother who couldn’t catch on to simple sorcery was right in believing there had to be more to the Universe, a greater, technological reality.

  “I really have to hand it to you, William, all this time… you were right; something very important was missing.” My heart floods with joy for him, crowding out some of the feelings of inadequacy that had paralyzed my mind. I pause and think back on what he showed me – this place is so different from home! They even mark time differently here. Our time segments are based on life and the land, while theirs are cold, meaningless increments. Here they would call me 37 years old, and William 34, but their 'years' seem to have no basis. They have no sun to revolve around, and no moons. No growing cycles. I don't understand, yet I feel certain I should start using some of their terms as soon as I gain a proper understanding of them. “Well, there is obviously a great deal for us to learn here, as quickly as possible!”

  “Split the library, like old times?”

  “I think that would be best. You started at the beginning, so I’ll start at the end and we’ll work toward the middle.”

  He reaches up, then pauses, “Ah, Shi'ahn, the books in your library are different from mine.”

  I sigh, “I had suspected as much. For some reason, my books are not as deeply technical as yours. In fact, the introduction I read was rather insultingly simplistic.” I quote the descriptions of the Forces and William doubles over in laughter.

  “That's kiddie physics!”

  “I am well aware of that. I doubt you will want to waste your time with these books.”

  “Ah, what the heck – you still need to know what is in them, and I'll admit I'm a bit curious.” He grabs a book and plops happily into a chair. Every now and then he snickers.


  Several books later, we are startled by a knock at the door. A nicely dressed woman greets me, “Lady Shi'ahn, I thought it prudent to warn you that Prince Lucian will be stopping by to escort you to dinner in 15 minutes.”

  “15 minutes! We forgot all about the passing time!” Remembering my manners, I smile warmly at my timely informant, “Thank you… excuse me, what is your name?”

  My question seems to catch her off guard.

  She smiles, then. “I am Joanna, my lady.”

  What a beautiful name, my smile returns unconsciously. “Thank you, Joanna, for your timely message. I’m afraid I haven’t even thought of what to wear…” I glance down at my leather riding clothes in concern. Her smile is warm and comforting.

  “Do not worry, there should be an excellent selection of gowns for you to choose from, I’m sure you will be fine.”

  I feel her confidence wash into me. “Thank you again, Joanna – I think I should go get ready now.”

  “Do you wish assistance, my lady?”

  Assistance? “Ah… no, thank you. I’ve been dressing myself since I was a child; I’ll be fine.” She just smiles and backs away. 15 minutes!

  William stretches languidly “Well, I guess I’ll leave you to panic on your own while I go throw on something suitable myself. Call out if you need any help…” His eyes are laughing; I do my best to sound stern.

  “I’ll be fine; out!”

  Well, I can’t control time itself as some do here, but I can to an extent control the speed at which I interact with my surroundings – I rush off to choose my ‘first impression’ clothing, this time looking at them more critically. Joanna wasn’t kidding, the range of styles in gowns is astounding – I’ve never had so many clothes before; but I wouldn’t ever wear most of these, so many are far to… frilly, too brightly colored; too… pretentious. There is a silk one, though, in a deep violet, it’s beautiful and yet fairly simply cut; aside from the off the shoulder neckline, and it feels silkier than anything I have ever touched before.

  Oh no… I’ve been dragon riding – I should bathe before donning such a fine dress! There isn’t time, though. Hastening myself is useful for many things, but not for bathing. There’s something about existing at a faster pace than one’s surroundings that, among other oddities, makes water seem not very wet. I guess I'll have to make do with a cleaning spell, one that leaves the scent of an exotic flower garden should do.

  I don my chosen dress, and then contemplate the assorted jewelry that has been provided. Once again much of it is far too extravagant, I decide to stick with my fire diamonds – I like the way they pick up on the violet of my dress and refract out complementary shades, and besides, wearing a gift from one who loves me makes me feel less overwhelmed.

  There is an authoritative knock at the door, which certainly belongs to neither William nor Joanna.

  Chapter 3

  Meeting Family

  I open the door, expecting to see Lucian as he was dressed earlier; silly of me, I suppose. He too wears silk, his shirt a shade of blue that reminds me of a sight only visible from the Lunarium during alignment, that time when the evening sky begins to turn dark, just before the stars become visible. The first several buttons are undone, hinting at a most impressive musculature; daring my eyes to drift lower. What am I doing? I snap my attention back up as if stung; my eyes lock onto the black depths of his and I realize he's looking me over just as avidly. My face flushes.

  He smiles, “I see you have fine taste, though I expected to see you in something somewhat… more complex.” His voice is no longer cold, instead it is oddly… amused? He doesn't seem frightening anymore.

  “Will this not do? There are far more elaborate dresses, but they seemed a bit too…”

  “You misunderstand. I simply hadn’t expected you to have such a fine sense of style.”

  A familiar voice suddenly makes me realize that Lucian has already collected William. “Wow, Sis, you look great. Nice neckline.”

  “William! This happens to have been one of the more modest options.” He smiles playfully.

  “Really? Well gee, I’m famished – shouldn’t we be going?”

  Lucian glances at William with one of those looks that men share when beautiful women are nearby… a look that I have long w
ished I could inspire. “Yes, come now – I’m sure you will enjoy the spectacle that awaits you.” He stretches his left arm out toward me and I take it, which actually seems to surprise him. William offers me his right, and so I walk with a double escort to meet my new family.

  I tentatively ask, “Just what kind of spectacle awaits us?” I don’t really understand the odd glint behind his smile.

  “Why, many of the most impressive beings in the universe, of course. Family. I must say I haven’t seen this many emerge from stasis at once before… you’ve caused quite a stir.”

  Stasis? “Why would we cause a stir? If these people are so impressive themselves, why would our presence interest them so?”

  “Well, you are somewhat of a curiosity, on several levels. Children of the Imperial family don’t just show up on the doorstep, we are generally raised here - by our Lumina parent. You, however, were escorted into the Emperor’s presence by she who created our realm, and claim to not even know who your parents are. That’s highly irregular and somewhat suspicious.”

  We stop and I ask, “That was only one reason… why else would we pique such interest?” He doesn’t answer, but instead looks forward. Following his gaze I see that we have reached another impressive set of double doors.

  “Ah, here we are.” He gently disengages my hand from his arm. “You will want to appear as self assured as you can. Smile, you are about to make your first impression on those who will be the most important people in the rest of your lives.”

  If he’s trying to comfort us, he’s failing miserably.

  The doors open, and we find ourselves facing scores of individuals. They are all looking at us as though we have arrived exactly on cue. I gaze out at the amazing beings that surround us… my family. There are many more in this surprisingly large dining hall than I had expected. “Lucian, are all these people truly family?” He smiles in amusement.

  “Well, not the servants, of course, but all others are, yes.” My heart floods with happiness.

  “Isn’t it wonderful, William? We have family!” He smiles playfully, but the timbre of his voice gives evidence to restrained feelings.

  “What am I now, chopped liver?”

  “Of course not, silly! You’re my brother –nothing will ever change the importance of that.” He smiles, then his eyes flit out to our surroundings; it is time to direct our attention to those around us.

  Aside from our first few moments in the royal throne room, I have never seen such individuals before; their presences are astounding. They seem like… super-beings, like the gods and goddesses of legend. In the eyes of those few who meet my gaze I see great knowledge and experience, gained over life spans that I can only imagine. Most, however, do not meet my gaze, though they do look me over intensely. Their inspection is so cold and analytically impersonal I feel like a curiosity under a technologist’s microscope. There is one, in the highest tier aside from the Emperor, who catches my eye, and for a fleeting moment it seems as though something meaningful passes between us… then it is over, leaving me to wonder if it was all just my imagination. Lucian, sounding far less personable, says, “Well now, I think it’s time to take our seats. Come, you will sit with the younger generations.” He leads us to a table on the lowest level, and from how the room is laid out, apparently the place for those of the least standing here. “Shi'ahn, William, this is Gwenllian, daughter of the long lost eldest son of the Emperor. She is the imperial representative of the younger generations. Beside her is Alma, Daughter of Prince Edward, who has been missing for quite some time, and on this side is Celeste, the only daughter of Aurora to walk among us for a very long time. Gwenllian, I leave these two mystery relatives in your care.” The expression Gwenllian directs toward him does not seem particularly pleased. She looks us over quickly, then motions us to sit.

  I’m still holding William’s arm, and think, ‘Watch each other’s backs?’

  ‘Of course.’ Then he smiles the way that causes young women on Shiral to swoon as he absently disengages from me and walks to the other side of the table. “May I? I have never before been surrounded by such beauty.” Before either has a chance to reply, an astoundingly attractive man does so for them.

  “On the contrary, I think you’re quite used to exotically beautiful women.” He turns his darkly hypnotic eyes to me then, “Excuse me, do you mind if I join you?” He reaches out for my hand and kisses it, sending a shiver down my spine.

  “No, not at all, please do.” I like his smile; it is appreciative and definitely interested. His complexion is moderately dark, his eyes almost black, and his hair looks like deep brown, curly silk. He looks strong, and yet has a gentle aura, alluringly warm and inviting.

  “Thank you. Let me introduce myself, I’m Alma’s brother, Casanova.” I can’t help but lean back slightly even as I smile and he asks, “Does my name amuse you, for some reason?”

  “I’m sorry… it’s just that there is a legend in my world of a man by that name.”

  “Ah yes, that happens. There are often echoes out in the Universe of those of us who have ascended the Path of Enlightenment. Something of us seems to become etched upon the fabric of the Universe; but you should never judge the man by his echoes.” He smiles and glances at Alma and they share a look I well know; it’s the same look William and I share when one of us is up to something. As I try to formulate a reply, Gwenllian asks,

  “So, as I understand it, you two have no idea who your parents are?” Her voice gives proof to her disbelief.

  “Did you know your mother’s proper name when you were a young child?”

  “Of course I did – her equals used it regularly, as did my father, of course.”

  “Mathair did not have any equals, and we have never known our father.”

  “Did your mother know who he was?”

  I can hardly believe the disrespect of such a question. “Of course she did! My people knew of him as well… I remember the highest priestess referring to Mathair’s husband as the magnificent one. He was said to have regularly attended the Beltane ritual with her.”

  “Beltane ritual… interesting. So you are saying that he would show up to take part in primitive celebrations with his… wife, but did not see fit to visit his own children?”

  I don’t know what to say… it does sound rather odd, now that the concept has been voiced.

  Celeste chimes in, “Tell me of your homeworld, Shi'ahn, I imagine it is nothing like Lumina.”

  Thinking of the wondrous nature of this place, my smile returns, “No, Shiral is nothing like this, you are right. It is beautiful, though, but in a natural way.”

  Celeste smiles warmly, “I love natural worlds. Can you describe yours for me?”

  I hardly know where to begin. “Well, the lands are heavily forested, we tend to live in harmony with our surroundings, and keep our cities and villages open to nature; not cleanly cut and manicured, as I briefly spied outside the citadel. Animals and magical creatures abound, William is well known for his close relationships with the local fauna. The waters near our home are pure and sweet, and make beautiful music as their waves crash upon the shore.”

  Her gaze intensifies, “What of the sky… what does it look like?”

  “Mostly blue, although it sometimes turns violet, depending upon the weather and the moons. And when you stand within the Lunarium during an alignment the stars appear like clouds; it is a wondrous sight.”

  She looks concerned for some reason, “What is this Lunarium?”

  “It is a double circle of great, blue stones that, when the inner stones are properly aligned with the visible moons, allows us to see the night sky in all its natural glory. The stones, interestingly, are actually moonstones.”

  ‘So you have records of its creation?”

  “No, it has existed throughout recorded history.”

  “Interesting… now, you said moons? How many does your world have?”

  “Nine in all, though only four to five are ever visibl
e at once in any given land.”

  “What do they look like?”

  “Like moons… they are blue and quite beautiful.”

  “Do you know why they are blue? That sounds rather unusual.”

  “Is it? The stone itself is blue, and they of course reflect the light of the sun, which intensifies their color.

  There is a disturbance from outside the hall, “Open up! I may be late, but I have as much a right to be here as anyone else! Ah, that’s better. Greetings, everyone!”

  Just from the sound of his voice I can tell I won’t like this new family member, and my suspicions are confirmed by my first glance. He is really quite large, even for those here. His hair is an almost irritatingly yellow blond, and he seems almost on the verge of radiating more of that piercing color. His clothes, brilliant yellow, white and gold, seem perfectly chosen to enhance his overbearing presence. His voice, clear and sonorous and obviously well suited to song, is theatrical, as if he wishes to upstage all those around him.

  I can’t help the disdain in my voice. “Who is that?” No one answers at first, but then Celeste responds.

  “He is Novanus; the only known son of Nebulaea.”

  “I can see why she stopped bearing sons…” Sarcasm drips from my voice and Celeste smiles.

  “He is somewhat… loud. He's worse than usual lately, ever since his only child died. I suspect he is distracting himself from the pain.”

  I can’t think of a proper response, do I apologize for insulting a grieving man? I don’t really want to, there’s something about him that clashes with my consciousness. Silence dominates for an uncomfortable moment until Casanova breaks it.

  “I’d love to hear more about your beautiful homeworld, Shi'ahn. You said the moons are blue – do you know for certain? Has anyone actually traveled there?”

  “Oh yes, many have. Among the first, of course, must have been those who built the Lunarium, as those stones are not to be found anywhere else on Shiral. Individuals from many of the magical regions have visited as well – it is, in a way, a sacred pilgrimage. The Technologists use their machines to travel to them.”